Special Programs
In addition to our core program of work, each year the DCTMA takes on a number of different initiatives that have varying focus areas:
- Engineering Construction Management System (ECMS) accreditation from PENNDOT.
- Community Traffic Safety Project (CTSP) is a public information and awareness campaign. (Twitter)
- Travel Instruction program developed with the assistance of Easter Seals Project ACTION
- Customized Solutions including
- Development of carpool programs using our exclusive ride-matching program, Share-A-Ride
- Coordination of public transit services
- Development and implementation of corporate shuttle programs
- Consultation to assist with retention and recruitment of employees, coordination of public transportation, and development of shuttle programs
- Free on-site Transportation Fairs that promote alternative transportation options for member or potential member businesses and municipalities in Delaware County
- Implementation of Mobility Alternatives Programs which assists employers in providing commuting alternatives (visit our Mobility Alternatives Program section of this website)
- Implementation of RideECO
- Development and implementation of telecommuting programs
- Inclusion in the Air Quality Partnership, which helps promote a cleaner, healthier environment and sustain the quality of life in Delaware County
- Management of private shuttle services. DCTMA has relationships with third-party transportation providers and can manage event transportation for you.
- Emergency Ride Home is a DCTMA member service that provides a ‘safety net’ for employees who regularly choose an alternative to driving to work alone.