Through the Delaware County Community Traffic Safety Project (DCCTSP), funded by PennDOT, DCTMA offers FREE safety programs to daycares, schools, senior centers, summer camps, community centers, Mom's clubs, etc. throughout the County.

The program focuses on various safety areas, including:

The primary goal of the project is to decrease the number of avoidable deaths and/or injuries associated with traffic-related crashes and reduce the severity of any injuries which do occur. This goal is achieved through educating the public and increasing awareness about these important safety focus areas. The DCCTSP will be available for the following:

DCCTSP and DCTMA also coordinate the High School Seat Belt Challenge each year in an effort to decrease the number of crashes, avoidable deaths, and injuries among teen drivers. We work closely with school organizations, including SADD, Student Council, National Honors Society, sports teams, and other student-led groups.

We estimate over 25,000 people throughout the county will be reached this year through these programs and presentations, car seat checks, Car-Fit events, and disbursement of educational materials.

Please feel free to contact Project Coordinator, Lauren Amway, at 610-892-0898, or email Lamway@dctma.org with any questions, or if you would like to schedule programs.