Customized Solutions
The Delaware County Transportation Management Association is committed to being an advocate for your business or community’s transportation needs. We will customize our services to best fit you. Just ask!
By partnering with PENNDOT, SEPTA, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, the Delaware County Planning Department, and other local transportation organizations, the DCTMA is able to ensure that your concerns are heard and addressed.
Listed below are just some of the consulting services we offer to our members:
- Development of carpool programs using our exclusive ride-matching program, Share-A-Ride
- Coordination of public transit services
- Development and implementation of corporate shuttle programs
- Consultation to assist with retention and recruitment of employees, coordination of public transportation, and development of shuttle programs
- Free on-site Transportation Fairs that promote alternative transportation options for member or potential member businesses and municipalities in Delaware County
- Implementation of Mobility Alternatives Programs which assists employers in providing commuting alternatives (visit our “Commute Alternative” section of this website)
- Implementation of RideECO
- Development and implementation of telecommuting programs
- Inclusion in the Air Quality Partnership, which helps promote a cleaner, healthier environment and sustain the quality of life in Delaware County
- Management of private shuttle services. DCTMA has relationships with third-party transportation providers and can manage event transportation for you.
- Emergency Ride Home is a DCTMA member service that provides a ‘safety net’ for employees who regularly choose an alternative to driving to work alone.
Other customized programs include:
English as a Second Languge support – Through a PENNDOT Research and Development Grant, the DCTMA has developed Mobility Guides for Residents of Upper Darby, PA for whom English is their Second Language (ESL). These guides can be found at libraries, the police stations, at the 69th Street Terminal and in service agencies throughout the County. Click the links below to view and print the guides.
English – Upper Darby
Korean – Upper Darby
Spanish – Upper Darby
Vietnamese – Upper Darby
Supporting employees during a company relocation – The DCTMA can work with employers who are looking to relocate to this area, assisting them and their employees to determine best way to get to work and which modes of transportation will be available to them.
Employees talk with DCTMA staff about commuting options.
Employees review a zip-code formulated map overlayed with commute options