The Mobility Alternatives Program, MAP, is to assist employers in the five-county southeastern Pennsylvania region in decreasing the number of single-occupancy vehicles driven to their worksite.
If you or most of your employees drive alone to work, MAP programs can help find a better way to get to work in Southeastern PA. Whether it's on transit, in a car pool or van pool, or even working from home, MAP has information on what the alternatives are and how companies and individuals can take advantage of them.
There are several Traffic Demand Management (TDM) related options that can make decreasing single occupancy vehicle travel more attractive to employees. These options include Transportation fairs, Ride ECO and Share a Ride programs, telecommuting, public transit, and corporate shuttles.
By working at the corporate level, and by involving both employers and employees, MAP can reach a majority of commuters stuck in traffic every day.
The Mobility Alternatives Program (MAP) focuses on a number of different initiatives including: