Let’s Talk TDM Zoom featuring SEPTA’s GM Leslie Richards as moderator.
Wednesday, September 20th from 8AM – 9AM on Zoom
Policy, Planning, and Equity: Public Transportation, bicycle and pedestrian safety/infrastructure, and land planning.
Leslie Richards, SEPTA’s General Manager, former PA Secretary of Transportation, and career multimodal planner and advocate, will moderate a panel discussion with four multimodal and TDM experts.
Joining Leslie will be Jeff Reigner, Senior Principal Planner with Kittleson & Associates and Chair of the National Complete Streets Coalition
Heather Martin, Asst. Vice President, Senior Lead Equity Consultant with WSP USA
Jason Duckworth, President of Arcadia Land Trust
Stacy Bartels, Manager, Office of TDM Strategy and Marketing at DVRPC
This will be an insightful hour on issues and opportunities to grow multimodal networks and advance TDM principles in your communities.
Register today for this free Mid-Atlantic ACT sponsored event: https://www.actweb.org/events/lets-talk-tdm